Sendmail 8.14 get rid of success delivery status

22.12. Limit queue processing to root. Ordinarily, anyone may process the queue with the -q switch. To limit queue processing to root and the owner of the queue directory, you must specify the restrictqrun option in the /etc/mail/ file.. Edit the file, vi … EntriView server security vulnerabilities Oct 23, 2017 SANS Institute # nmap (V. 2.54BETA34) scan initiated Thu Apr 4 12:03:55 2002 as: nmap -sS -O -v -oN saturn_nmap.txt Interesting ports on ( (The 1542 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) Port State Service 13/tcp open daytime 23/tcp open telnet 25/tcp open smtp 37/tcp open time 53/tcp open domain 79/tcp open finger 80/tcp

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Sendmail 8.14 get rid of success delivery status I have been using sendmail since 1995. I have an Ubuntu 12.04LTS server which my best information is, uses sendmail 8.14.4. I am having a problem that mail is coming in from an IP address addressed to a local address, with a delivery status notification request apparently from a user in an unrelated domain, I believe a DDOS targetted domain. Installing Slackware and Making It Secure LG #91 This article was translated from the Polish by the author. The original will be published in the summer issue of CHIP Special Linux. Whenever a new version of your preferred distribution arises, you always have the same dilemma: to install everything from scratch or to try updating the system or to continue with something you are used to so far?

VCS Notifier will cause HAD to crash when Sendmail has

Majordomo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) create an alias for the majordom(o) user, so that his cron generated mail comes to me, rather than just piling up in /usr/local/mail/majordom. create the list's and the digest's files, (widget, widget-digest, widget.config, widget-digest.config, etc.). Edit the widget-digest.config file and make sure all the digest options are set to your tastes. The following timestamps were retrieved with a delay of 1 The following timestamps were retrieved with a delay of 1 seconds in between from ISSC 362 at American Public University Password Expiration Some user accounts 19 of 20 have non Password Expiration: Some user accounts (19 of 20) have non-expiring accounts Some passwords on this system do not have expiring accounts. For security reasons, the password expiry policy should be deployed. Prompt user to change password before expiration so that before x days the user can rest the password. If the Password is not change after notification date has expired, then admin has to