sudo apt-get install . apt-get build-dep. If you need to install the build dependencies for a package, you can do that using: sudo apt-get build-dep 2. More Maintenance Linux Commands apt-get check. It verifies the integrity of the dependencies. There’s no special syntax to use it:

Jun 18, 2020 · sudo apt-get remove {package_name} Just for example try to removing “leafpad” and install again apt-get remove leafpad. apt-get install leafpad. Auto Remove: apt-get autoremove. At the time of upgrading distribution the Operating System’s software packages are replaced by new and improved version. May 06, 2019 · sudo apt-get install * package number *= version number Before the system installs the package, you will receive an output showing: The additional packages required for the installation to be successful. The package you intend to install. May 14, 2019 · Install the ssh package on Ubuntu by typing: sudo apt install openssh-client; Once the installation done, use it by typing: ssh user@server-ip-here; Let us see all commands in details. Installing ssh in Ubuntu. Just type the following apt command/apt-get command: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install openssh-client Apr 23, 2016 · sudo apt-get install default-jdk Installing the Oracle JDK. If you want to install the Oracle JDK, which is the official version distributed by Oracle, you will need to follow a few more steps. First, add Oracle’s PPA, then update your package repository. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update

Oct 24, 2018 · You run sudo apt-get upgrade to install available upgrades of all packages currently installed on the system from the sources configured via sources.list file. New packages will be installed if required to satisfy dependencies, but existing packages will never be removed. The differences between update and upgrade command

Nov 20, 2019 · We can test this with Mary, who should now be able to install software. sudo apt-get install colordiff. Mary is able to install the software because she is in the “INSTALLERS” User_Alias, and that User_Alias has been awarded those rights. Three Quick sudo Tricks. When you forget to add sudo to a command, type. sudo !!

$ sudo apt install git-all For more options, there are instructions for installing on several different Unix distributions on the Git website, at

2 days ago · sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install -y curl openssh-server ca-certificates sudo apt-get install -y postfix curl Jun 30, 2016 · If a program tries to access a file known to belong in an uninstalled package, auto-apt will install that package using apt-get. This feature requires apt and sudo to work. Auto-apt keeps databases which need to be kept up-to-date in order for it to be effective. shell> sudo apt-get install mysql-server. The MySQL server, client, and the database common files are upgraded if newer versions are available. To upgrade any other MySQL package, use the same apt-get install command and supply the name for the package you want to upgrade: shell> sudo apt-get install package-name Nov 11, 2012 · sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ Type your password if asked for it and respond with Y when asked to continue Next, you will be asked to set a password for the administrative “root” user in MySQL (notice: this is not the Linux root user, but a built-in MySQL user, you don’t have to type your Ubuntu user password, you create a password of